Trip to Seattle

Ethan and I took a trip to Seattle in October so that I could do some medical testing. Gramma Treeka and Grampa Jose got to spend a lot of time with Ethan while I stayed at the hospital campus. Ethan loved picking up leaves, and playing cards, drums, dominos, and dress-up with Grampa's hunting hats! When I could, between days of testing, I spent time with everyone. Ethan even learned how to drink from a cup instead of a sippy cup. So now we only use sippy cups on rare occasions like in the car on longer trips.

These are some pictures from that trip - and one of Ethan here at home cuddled up with Carbon and a good book during a cold day.


littledwyers said...

Ethan - you are getting so big and growing up so fast! Can you move to DC so that we can play with you and see you a lot??

your DC cousins

Katie said...

OOH!! Seconded! I vote for DC too... or Fredericksburg, or Midlothian!

And yes, you are getting big!! You look just like your daddy!!

Love from the East!