Christmas-time pictures...finally!

Sorry I haven't been good at updating the blog recently. I've been busy with work and enjoying spending time with Ethan and Jason during any spare moments! Here are some pictures from December and January.

Here are a few "formal" pictures of Ethan from just before Christmas.

Ethan loved his new D-19 Allis Chalmers tractor. He immediately sat down to ride it.
Whenever we ask Ethan to smile for a camera, this is the goofy grin/face we get. Lovely...already at that stage...
Jason got out the manual about the REAL D-19 tractor. Ethan was actually father like son.
We got to see Amy, Ethan's Godmother from Lowell, MA, in Spokane over Christmas.
We really enjoyed our visit with Aunt Karen and Uncle Steve over the holidays. We just made it in time for hot cocoa with the whole family on Christmas Eve. Ethan loved playing tag around the center wall upstairs with Steve...and was thrilled by Steve's scary growling. And Ethan was pampered with lots of hugs and play time with Aunt Karen.

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