Ethan has been traveling a lot in the last month. We all took a trip to Texas for my cousin's wedding. The Siemens side of the family all met in San Antonio for the Valentine's Day weekend for Matt's beautiful day. During our road trip, Ethan got to visit Amarillo, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Odessa in Texas. Then we came back through Roswell, NM so we could experience a close encounter of any kind. On the way home from the trip I noticed that Ethan had a solitary bottom tooth. He wasn't even crabby on the trip, so I had no idea! And now he has both bottom middle teeth!
After that long road trip from Wednesday, Feb. 11th through Thursday, Feb. 19 we got to spend the weekend relaxing together and getting back to a reasonable schedule. Then on the very next Tuesday, Ethan and I flew to Seattle. I had to be there for work, so Ethan got to spend some time with his Grandma and Grandpa Siemens. He was great on the plane - though I sure was exhausted after each flight. And he had a blast with his grandparents.
Ethan is crawling, pulling up, babbling, and always smiling!
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