Baptized 10-12-08

Here is a picture of Ethan with his three godparents - Amy Perry, Aunt Stacy and Uncle Tom.

Lots of family and friends came to celebrate Ethan's baptism with us in mid October. Besides the abnormally rainy weather, it was a great time! Both sets of grandparents came to visit from out of town, and Ethan got to meet two of his cousins (Bradley -4 yrs and Colten -18 mos) and his Aunt Jen and Uncle Derek. His in-town Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins also came to see him. Unfortunately, he still wasn't able to meet his Aunt Karen, Uncle Steve, and cousins, Austin and Garrett from Spokane, but they assured him they were thinking of him and wished they could attend too.
Thanks to all who came and to those who sent their love!

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