Photogenic Babe

Here are some of the pictures I took of Ethan this weekend. He was just so smiley, so they all turned out pretty cute (if I do say so myself).

My first REAL snow!

It snowed all weekend here, so we actually had some accumulation. About 5 inches by Saturday and another 3 or 4 inches on Sunday. So Ethan got to experience snow! After Jason finished plowing our driveway and sidewalk in front of the house, he took the tractor around to the backyard and created a track by flattening down the snow and pulling the innertube. So Ethan and I hopped on the tube and went for a gentle ride around the backyard. Then Ethan went by himself. He fits perfectly in the tube (just like his cousin Colten did last December) and he actually enjoyed riding on his own as well. He was hootin' and Hollerin' and laughing most of the time. Ethan and Jason then drove for a while so they could pull me around. Ethan doesn't seem to mind the tractor noise at all. And then I drove and pulled them together on the tube. Lots of family fun!

Bummin' Around

Ethan has discovered that his toes need to be sucked on regardless of whether he has bare feet or not. Yummy toe jam!

He always has a blast with his noise-making hammer. Just wait until he starts "fixing" things around the house with it...maybe we'll leave that to Daddy for a while.

Watch Out Squirrels!

I know what you're thinking, this is just wrong! But isn't it amazing how huge the tiny Red Rider BB Gun looks in Ethan's hands? He even holds it correctly! Ethan had plenty of adult supervision for this shot, and the gun is not loaded. All we have to say is "Watch out squirrels - when Ethan gets older!"

Chili Peppers and Teddy Bears!

Happy Halloween! Ethan had a chance to dress up as two different things this year at two different parties. He looked adorable in his chili pepper costume, but he is so tall that his legs were crunched in it and he couldn't wear it too long. He's hoping to save it for a little sibling some day... So his friend, Abigail, loaned him a teddy bear costume that she didn't plan on wearing this year. Usually it snows on Halloween here in Colorado, so warm costumes are usually a good idea, but it was close to 80 degrees during the day this he was extra warm and couldn't wear either costume very long. Oh was fun for us all!

Baptized 10-12-08

Here is a picture of Ethan with his three godparents - Amy Perry, Aunt Stacy and Uncle Tom.

Lots of family and friends came to celebrate Ethan's baptism with us in mid October. Besides the abnormally rainy weather, it was a great time! Both sets of grandparents came to visit from out of town, and Ethan got to meet two of his cousins (Bradley -4 yrs and Colten -18 mos) and his Aunt Jen and Uncle Derek. His in-town Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins also came to see him. Unfortunately, he still wasn't able to meet his Aunt Karen, Uncle Steve, and cousins, Austin and Garrett from Spokane, but they assured him they were thinking of him and wished they could attend too.
Thanks to all who came and to those who sent their love!

Slap Happy

I caught Ethan on video during a giggle fit. He was laughing at Jason, the dogs, and me. He loves to be shocked when he is in this mood.

Rolling Over

Ethan has been rolling from front to back for quite some time now. And recently we find him on his tummy in his crib in the morning (after going to sleep on his back). But now he is fully and completely rolling from back to front (and not just accidentally). I even caught him on video!

So hungry he could eat a book

Apparently I let Ethan get a little hungry. He was content as long as he could eat his book. What a crazy little boy!

Just a nice smile

Swingin' among the trees

Ashley (our nanny) found a great baby swing at a garage sale that she thought Ethan would enjoy. Jason put it up this weekend. Ethan did indeed like it. He can be found in his swing giggling, shrieking, and sometimes on the verge of snoozing. What a great low cost find! Thanks Ashley!
Too bad the camera angle shows the one corner of the yard that has junk. Oh well. We can't wait to install a sprinkler system, re-seed, and have a lawn next year by the time he is walking! Yes, another project. :)

Lots of milestones!

Ethan is getting close to lots of milestones! He is sitting with less and less support. He loves to stare at and chew on his giraffe ring stacking toy. But he is still a little unstable at sitting on his own. He almost folds in half sometimes and occassionnally still falls all the way over!
Last night we think Ethan officially started teething. He's been drooling and chewing on his fingers all the time now. But last night he actually stopped chewing late in the evening, and didn't even really want to nurse much. So I wondered if something was bugging his mouth. Then he wouldn't go to bed...and just kept screaming like he was in pain. We got him a cold washcloth to chew on and that helped temporarily. Then I went to the store at midnight to get teething medicine since I knew I couldn't manage being up all night long. As soon as we applied it to his gums he went to sleep and slept well! Today his mouth still seems upset, but much better.
I'll keep ya updated on when the teeth actually break through and when he can sit really well!

Ethan got mail...

...and not just hospital bills! He received two different postcards recently - one from Grandma and Grandpa Beu on their recent visit to South Carolina, and one froggie postcard from Gramma Pat. We put them into a plastic picture book so he could handle and chew on them as much as he wants.

One day older, and all grown up.

Some days Ethan looks much older than he is and other days he looks like a baby still. Jason was holding him and playing with him. Ethan loves to smile at Jason and just watch him. So I snapped a few pictures while they played.

Ethan always does this thing with his mouth, acting like he is going to eat you. I caught a picture of him doing that to Jason. He almost looks like a warrior or something. But then you see the next picture where he is smiling and adorable...who knew he would have so much personality already!

4 Months old.

Ethan had his 4 month appointment on Friday. He had to get 5 shots, so the last few days he has been a little out-of-it and cranky, but this time was not nearly as bad as the 2 month shots reaction.

He is 14 lbs, 8 oz, which puts him in the 40th percentile for weight. But he is 27 inches long/tall, putting in the 100th percentile for his height. His head is growing just fine is also in the 40th percentile and very average for boys his age. He sure loves to put his hands in his mouth. We wonder when teeth will come though and hope it isn't too soon.

Life is good. We're certainly staying busy but we are enjoying the fun moments together too!

Ethan says "hi"

Ethan told me that he wanted to say hi to everyone. He has been very vocal recently. Enjoy!

Farmer Dude!

Ethan took a ride on the Allis Chalmers garden tractor with Daddy around the backyard this morning. He's still a little small to reach the stearing wheel or levers but he is following in the footsteps of his daddy, grandpas, and both great-grandpas - that love of tractors runs in the blood, I'm sure...

Ethan in his Bumbo seat.

We finally bought a "Bumbo" seat for Ethan. He has been enjoying sitting up in his supportive chair. He even found his feet! They haven't really been in the mouth yet...but it probably won't be long.

Ethan at 3 months old.

Here are a few more pictures of Ethan - at 3 months old. Just thought I'd share some other pictures before I start updating this blog "regularly".

Ethan at 2 months old.

Here are some pictures from when Ethan was 2 months.

Ethan's Room

Jason & I worked hard to create the baby room. I drew and created the room design and layout. Jason did most of the hard labor tearing out and replacing the window, walls, insulation, wiring, and carpet. We both painted the lime green "paint sample" walls. It turned out just as we'd planned & imagined.

Happy Birth Day, Ethan!

We welcomed Ethan Taylor Beu at 12:45 a.m. on May 6, 2008. He was 9 lbs and 5 oz and 20.5 inches long at birth! And despite being induced with Pitocin, I suceeded in having him naturally - with no pain medication just like I had hoped.