Ethan in his Bumbo seat.

We finally bought a "Bumbo" seat for Ethan. He has been enjoying sitting up in his supportive chair. He even found his feet! They haven't really been in the mouth yet...but it probably won't be long.

Ethan at 3 months old.

Here are a few more pictures of Ethan - at 3 months old. Just thought I'd share some other pictures before I start updating this blog "regularly".

Ethan at 2 months old.

Here are some pictures from when Ethan was 2 months.

Ethan's Room

Jason & I worked hard to create the baby room. I drew and created the room design and layout. Jason did most of the hard labor tearing out and replacing the window, walls, insulation, wiring, and carpet. We both painted the lime green "paint sample" walls. It turned out just as we'd planned & imagined.

Happy Birth Day, Ethan!

We welcomed Ethan Taylor Beu at 12:45 a.m. on May 6, 2008. He was 9 lbs and 5 oz and 20.5 inches long at birth! And despite being induced with Pitocin, I suceeded in having him naturally - with no pain medication just like I had hoped.